Project ID: 2-29

Goverment & GDI


Looking at the visualization, it is evident that Liberal Democracies are the most equal in terms of gender. A GDI score of one signifies that both male and female human development scores are identical, indicating complete equality according to the UNDP. Liberal Democracies exhibit an average score of 0.986, closely approaching full gender equality based on the UNDP's methods. In contrast, Closed Autocracy has the lowest score, approximately 0.90. This visualization reinforces the notion that political regime or government type directly influences gender equality, with Liberal Democracies emerging as the most favorable in this regard to GDI.

Map: Goverment Type


Looking at the map it appears that a majority of Liberal Democracies are agreegated in North America, South America, and Europe. With the previous analysis about the more gender equality goverment types, it can be inferred, that countries in North America, South America, and Europe are the more equal in terms of gender. /p>