Project ID: 2-29

Changes During 21st Century


During the 21st Century, we saw a sharp decrease in GDI for Yemen. Their score went down 15% and fell from 0.642 to 0.496. It is interesting to note changes like this because they can in some cases link to certain events, people, and groups. In Yemen, a civil war erupted in late 2014 and is ongoing today. This is most likely the cause of the dramatically increasing gender inequality in Yemen. We also saw a sharp increase in the scores of Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Pakistan. In Afghanistan, both men's and women's distinct Human Development Index (HDI) scores reportedly decreased due to the Taliban regaining control. This simultaneous decrease in both scores could disrupt the equilibrium of the formula, given that it involves dividing Men’s HDI by Women’s HDI. In all, comparing like this can show countries that have had events that change their GDI.